SUNA Annual Meeting May 30, 2024

The 2024 SUNA Annual Meeting format was quite different from past years.  We gave both our residents and units of government increased chances for quality dialogue and learning.

Each city department, the Urbana Park District, and Urbana Free Library hosted a table where residents found posters, graphics, flyers, or other visual aids that provide updates about the on-going work of these units, as well as chances for SUNA residents to respond to improvements and possibilities in our community.

Neighbors were welcome to arrive at 2200 S. Philo Road between 7 pm and 8:15 pm. As usual, attendees were asked to sign in at arrival and, if they wish to be a voting SUNA member, pay $5 dues. Once inside, attendees moved from table to table, visiting and talking to city, park, and library staff as they wish. Participants were asked to visit the SUNA-specific area to approve the slate of volunteers for the Steering Committee, view the treasurer’s report, find out more about SUNA and give input on neighborhood issues. We asked that attendees drop their evaluation form regarding the new format in the box provided at the exit.

We hope you value this opportunity to learn more about local issues and meet with neighbors and city and community leaders.