Joining SUNA
To become a member of SUNA, you must be one of the following:
- A resident of Southeast Urbana (the geographic area bounded roughly by Florida Ave., Lincoln Ave., Windsor Road and Philo Road)
- An elected or appointed civil service employee of the City of Urbana
- A University of Illinois administrator, faculty or staff member involved in planning, design and construction of projects within the geographic area
- An owner of a property or business within the geographic area
Individuals in the above categories who pay SUNA annual dues (currently $5) will have voting rights at SUNA meetings.
To join, mail the following information to Graeme Gilmore, 101 W. Windsor Rd # 6104, Urbana, IL 61802-6663:
- a check for $5.00 payable to SUNA
- This form (completed with your information):
Want to keep up to date with the latest SUNA news?
Join us on Facebook at: SUNA – Southeast Urbana Neighborhood Association, Urbana, IL
SUNA Email Listservs
SUNA members can join two email listservs.
The announcement listserv sends notifications about neighborhood, city, and county events. Only designated SUNA steering committee members can post announcements.
- To subscribe, go to
- To unsubscribe from this group, go to!forum/suna-list. In the upper right hand corner, next to the person icon, select the drop down menu and click on “leave the group.”
- To post (if you have permission), send email to
The discussion listserv is a self-moderated listserv for discussions related to Southeast Urbana, the city of Urbana, and Champaign County. You can reply to all posts in this forum and create your own topics for discussion.
- To subscribe go to
- To post, send email to:
- To unsubscribe from this group, go to!forum/suna-talk. In the upper right hand corner, next to the person icon, select the drop down menu and click on “leave the group.”
- To view archives, visit this group at:
Opinions expressed on the listserv do not reflect the positions of the organization or the membership as a whole.
Listserv contact: Send email to: