SUNA strongly supports the Urbana Police Department’s efforts to establish Neighborhood Watch groups. A Neighborhood Watch Group is an association of neighbors who look out for each other’s families and property, learn how to make their homes more secure, and alert police to any suspicious activities or crime in progress.
Neighborhood Watches are also an excellent way to meet your neighbors, solve other problems not related to law enforcement, work with other city services and come up with plans for neighborhood improvements. Groups can meet as needed to discuss a wide range of issues involving their community. Neighborhood watch groups have sponsored barbeques, block parties and holiday events to get their communities more involved with one another.
If you or someone you know is interested in starting a neighborhood watch group in your area, please contact the Urbana Police Department at (217)384-2320. More information about neighborhood watch groups, Urbana Police Department’s Vacation Watch, and Home Safety Tips is available on the City of Urbana’s website